The Truth or Dare Effect.

Truth or Dare is a childish game. One that we play as teenagers when we’re too scared to ask each other for what we really want. As adults it becomes something more dangerous and tactile – on ships we regress back to slobbering teens who use it as an easy way to satisfy our needs.

On one particular night a large group gathered at the crew bar and drunkenly decided Truth or Dare was the solution to a boring, music-less “quiet night”. We began as we intended to go on – “Kiss Guy 1” was my first. Of course, ever one for love of attention and a reckless abandonment of all good sense I kissed guy 1.

From there I “flashed (your) boobs” and “Kissed Guy 2” along with the lap-dances, shots, asking kitchen staff to marry me and more. By the end of the evening I’d kissed at least 5 guys, whilst the boy I was rendezvous-ing with (James) was watching.

That’s not a very interesting story – but what happened afterwards was me sat at the table next to the new incredibly hot guy. We spent the rest of the evening flirting over dinosaurs and superheros and somehow we ended up back in my cabin – sans roommate.

It didn’t take long for him to push me up against our wardrobe and reach underneath my top.

“You realise your bra is incredibly insecure?” and with that I was half topless and very much keen on spending my evening tangled up with this boy. Honestly, he’s without a doubt the best looking guy I’ve ever come close to sleeping with – SPOILER – anyway I’m glad to say he did become one of my best friends as my roommate managed to come in at the exact moment I reached for his belt.

In the midst of blushes and awkwardness my roommate left quickly, we jumped away from each other and I was suddenly sober enough to realise there was no way this boy would not regret sleeping with me the next day. So I curled up in my bed sad and alone, until James called and I ended up sleeping with him, but more on that later…