Please Close The Door.

We all have moments that we can look back on and blush about. The kind of memories that make us both proud and embarrassed at the same time.

I had one such moment with James (My not-so-straight supervisor). Once again the night began at the crew bar, after a particularly early night we decided to head to the theatre office as he had work to do and I couldn’t be bothered to go to sleep. We spent the remainder of the evening showing each other photos and videos from the depths of our computers – I’d slowly progressed my way to sitting on the floor whilst he sat in the office chair.

After a good few hours of messing about James turned to look at me…

“Don’t laugh. I really want to have sex with you right now”

I was a bit shocked, I looked a state and we weren’t that drunk so his confession took me a bit by surprise (Although I had been thinking a similar thing) Then the flirt inside of me took over and in one smooth motion I took his hand and pulled him onto the floor on top of me.

“Then why don’t you?”

Sadly we didn’t actually have sex – because the encounter was so unexpected we didn’t have any protection, trust me I’m definitely more annoyed than you are about this!

However we did have great fun… we made out vigorously on the desks, chairs – against the cupboard with important pieces of paper falling everywhere was a definite highlight. We completely wrecked the room and it was one of the few times I’ve had an orgasm without actually having sex. His fingers did all of the work as I sat in the supervisor’s chair… needless to say It became a great source of amusement for the rest of his contract, along with the fact his successor had no idea what had happened in the room. Along with him finishing all over my sleeve.

By the end we both just looked at each other and laughed, completely exhausted. Deciding maybe it was time to go to bed we tidied the room and went to leave, we only made it as far as the back stage laundry room before getting distracted again…

The Language Barrier.

Peter (The one from Neverland) was one of the first people I met. He was on my team and had been put in charge of teaching me everything I needed to know – turns out that also included teaching me about ship romance.

We hit it off pretty quickly, he was funny and awkward – we spent a lot of time together so it naturally happened that we became more than work colleagues. The first night anything tangible started we’d been drinking at the bar (what a surprise!) and we’d walked home together, we stood outside his cabin and kissed. Then he went to bed and I went back to the bar…

From there we started mucking-about backstage, at the bar, in port – everywhere! He was sweet and very attractive. We even went stargazing on the ship’s helipad one night, where we did the classic “Jack and Rose” thing.

Peter was always very easy to please, however I’m someone who likes to talk during sex – if you knew me, you’d know I barely ever shut up so this wouldn’t be a surprise. What I didn’t expect was that the language barrier would become such a burden…

One day during sex (yes, we had DAYTIME SEX) I told him:

“I can’t wait to have more time, so I can tease you properly”

Which lead to a pause in the action whilst I tried to explain the word “tease”. I’m embarrassed to say this ended with him getting up a translation app on his phone, mid-sex, completely ruining the mood…