
The age-old question “what do I pack” seemed to be ever-present in my mind prior to joining my first cruise ship. I had read the blogs and forums, watched the YouTube channels and even emailed my soon-to-be manager for advice. The overall consensus was I would need clothes for all-weather, a hard drive full of movies, a flashlight and a decent laptop. What I didn’t ask, and was never told, was the things I would need to leave behind. Mainly my morals and my standards. 

If you do a quick google search you’ll find countless articles from trashy newspapers about cruise workers and the stigma that goes along with this. What you don’t expect, is that it’s almost truthful.

Having told close friends my stories of misadventure, the sordid details of late night rendezvous and the cringe-worthy anecdotes I have come to realise that yes, I do have some interesting stories to tell and with a little guidance from a friend here I sit about to spill all to the internet world.

So strap your sun loungers down, we’re in for a rocky sailing.